• from the time you're old enough to grasp this concept, focus on what makes you happy and start figuring out a way to make money with it in the world.
  • play many sports and games (they are good for the mind and personal development, and the team sports for social skills), especially golf and billiards. golf will show you about yourself. most of the attributes needed to be good at golf (discipline, patience, confidence, analyzation skills, creativity) are the same ones that will help you in life - there are no shortcuts in golf. billiards will help you develop the same attributes, especially confidence. you just won't meet a good pool player who isn't confident.
  • beware of people who don't trust anybody. they think everyone is like them.
  • develop your artistic side in whatever way. few things are more pleasing than your own ability to create something beautiful.
  • this is for all, but especially for INTP's, be good at many things, but become an expert in at least one. the individuals in the world that are in demand are the ones that can do something that others can't; or at least do it better.
  • just be brave. learn early on that rejection isn't the end of the world and if you put yourself out there, you'll have success more often than failure. this goes for trying new things as well as going after that special someone. not even taking a chance is an automatic failure, and actual failure or rejection is never as bad or long lasting as what we imagine in our minds.
  • very early on, learn to understand people's motivations. there are countless things you can do with the knowledge of 'why people do what they do'.
  • learn how to be honest with your feelings and get comfortable telling those that are important to you how you feel about them. they want to know. the other side of the coin says make sure you actually know what you're feeling. if one person seems like the beginning and the end to you and all would be lost without them, you probably need a hobby.