Thursday, January 10, 2013

Vitamin D

“Vitamin D may affect the function of dopamine and norepinephrine, which are monoamine neurotransmitters that are likely involved in depression. Furthermore, vitamin D may modulate the relation between depression and inflammation.” (vitamin-d, 2011)
 “Our results support an inverse association of vitamin D intake from foods and the occurrence of depressive symptoms..." (vitamin-d, 2011)
 In other words, this means the higher vitamin D intake from food the less depression. This is a good reason to eat ocean-caught salmon and fresh tuna (also known as brain food) two or three time a week. (vitamin-d, 2011)
My experience as a psychiatrist is that people who work outside seldom get depressed and some of this is from vitamin D, some from exposure of bright light to the retina of the eye and perhaps some is the endorphin effect of UVB on the skin. In other words, keep up both things you are doing, including getting out in the sun, every day if you can. (mailbag, 2011)
 A lifetime history of depression may be a risk factor for later development of Alzheimer's disease. Depression may increase the risk of mild cognitive impairment that turns into Alzheimer's. Patients with Alzheimer’s and depression have more pronounced hallmarks of the Alzheimer’s brain than patients with Alzheimer’s who are not depressed. Studies indicate vitamin D deficiency may also be a risk factor in Alzheimer’s. (mental health, 2011)
This correlation scares the crap out of me.  A lifetime of depression... and in the end, degeneration.

I cannot explain how serious my depression and related issues (anxiety, suicidal thoughts, OCD) have become this last year.  A lifetime of depression coupled with an amazing number of life stressors have left me mentally drained.  I feel better when I get out in the sun, either working or exercising.  I take a daily Vit D supplement, 2,500 IUD, and if I have skipped a day or feel at all under the weather, I take a second at bedtime with 400 mg of Magnesium Citrate.


vitamin-d, 2011, from:

mailbag, 2011, from:

mental health, 2011, from:

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